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Coronavirus crisis: People are getting Covid-19 tattoos despite social distancing warnings

A permanent reminder of the deadly coronavirus pandemic…

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Despite pleas from the government for people to embrace social distancing, some have thrown caution to the wind and headed to their local tattoo parlour to get a coronavirus tattoo.

Yes, really.

One quick look at Instagram’s #coronavirustattoo hashtag throws up dozens of pictures of people who appear to have had permanent reminders of the pandemic inked onto their bodies.

“When the world is going crazy over a deadly pandemic outbreak, come get it tattooed!” exclaimed one American tattoo parlour boss.

Coronavirus tattoo instagram tattoovoodoony
Tattoo parlours have seen a rise in people having coronavirus tattoos (Credit: Instagram/tattoovoodoony)

Designs range from everything from rolls of toilet paper and a cartoon germ to people declaring: “I survived 2020,” alongside images of toilet rolls and the inscription Covid-19.

Many tattoo parlours in the States ran Friday the 13th deals last week, offering discounted tattoos, and one person took the opportunity to have a toilet roll on legs etched onto their body.

Read more: Late-night shopping channel slammed for selling “40 loo rolls for £80” amid coronavirus pandemic

“My first Friday the 13th tattoo, and I went with the most fitting for this current ‘sh***y’ situation the world is in,” they said. “Pun definitely intended!”

Some have even had bottles of Corona beer etched onto their bodies.

“I love this,” said one person who had the alcoholic beverage inked onto their arm.

“Me too. Thanks for being a f**king idiot,” came the tattoo artist’s reply.

Coronavirus tattoo instagram est_1977_
One coronavirus tattoo showed a germ holding a loo roll (Credit: Instagram/est_1977_)

However, some Instagram users didn’t see the funny side, with many commenting that the tattoos were in bad taste.

One user said: “This is awful. People are f**king dying.”

Read more: Experts warn people who consume burnt food are at an increased risk of contracting coronavirus

Another added: “Are you kidding me?!”

“Dumb and sad… what a waste of ink,” said another.

“Nooooooooo,” said another.

Coronavirus tattoo instagram rasanjana_deshan
Others went for a simpler Covid-19 inking (Credit: Instagram/rasanjana_deshan)

“That’s gonna be so regrettable,” said another.

“Why though? It’s a virus outbreak and you know people have died,” said another. “It just comes across as a bit distasteful,” they added.

When the world is going crazy over a deadly pandemic outbreak, get it tattooed!

Others, however, admitted they were simply playing tricks on their followers and had used either a transfer or drawn it on themselves with pen.

“OMFG this is gold!” said another coronavirus tattoo fan on an inking of a toilet roll with the words “I survived 2020,” written underneath.

Joke Coronavirus tattoo Instagram themisswild
Some of the coronavirus tattoos were just jokes, though (Credit: Instagram/themisswild)

“Please tell me it’s a Sharpie,” another wrote.

“It’s my leg! I confirm that it is only a Sharpie tattoo,” came the reply.

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Nancy Brown
Acting Editor